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"Much ado, about nothing." |
"It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
Why? Because the NCUA budget has absolutely nothing to do with the real problems at the Agency.
Let me refresh your memory, happened just last year, under oath before Congress...
... here's what the NCUA said about you, your members, and what you can do with your "*!xl*^!" budget ...
Does it really matter whether you spend $300 million, $250 million, or $500 million
"rearranging the deck chairs"?
Shouldn't a discussion of fundamental reform - the need for accountability, competency, and transparency at the Agency - come first?
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Playing the fool? |
The two boys will look interested today while people like Berger, whose own budget deserves scrutiny, say what they believe should be done to improve the NCUA budget as presented. But just remember, it's all talk. The same talk you have heard from both of them for over two years. You have no idea of what money is being wasted on. The salaries are outrageous. People earning a minimum wage can barely survive and you have NCUA employees owning not one both two very expensive homes. One were they work and the massive vacation condo in Florida. So say whatever you want about the hearing or the budget but the money will continue to flow out of the credit unions into NCUA and further inti the pockets of the "workers".
I think the budget briefing is a step in the right direction and Metsger should get credit for it. McWatters gets credit for pounding staff and holding them accountable. As for Berger, I can't speak to his budget and hope his board holds him accountable, but I appreciate him actually showing up and lobbying the budget issue. Nussle on the other hand is AWOL. Nussle is paid almost $2 million a year, and in turn I expect my trade leaders to at least show up to work.
Until Metsger renounces the self-servicing crazy talk attitude at NCUA nothing will change.
Berger talks the talk but never has the cojones to walk the walk
Wait, what? I read that NAFCU (and others) blasts the budget repeatedly. We need to hold the administration that appoints the NCUA leadership accountable as well as the senators that confirm. Until that happens reforms will not occur.
Holding a budget briefing means nothing if it is not taken seriously and suggestions acted on. The problem is that no one can dissect the budget based on what was given to the general public. Nether Metsger or his new pal McWatters opinioned that more basic, understandable information should be distributed to understand the budget. In reality neither probably understand the numbers themselves and probably really don't care. They will say hey we held a hearing, that is more than Matz did. Bottom line, the spending continues.
We should put Nussle and Berger on the NCUA board. Then instead of three we would have four stooges.
They'd be better than Matz and Fryzel !
McWatters is our only hope. He has the experience to force a changeover in the staff. He is Trump with brains and balance!
Assume that folks know you can lifestream today's NCUA board meeting at NCUA.gov... click board meeting lifestream in gold bar... meeting is already underway... budget soliloquies should follow the FOM justification monologues.
Why isn't Nussle there? Are you sure? What did he have to do that was more important?
Watching the board meeting lends me to believe that McWatters and Metsger need to get a room. Do they really need to continually tell each other how cooperative they are and how well they work together? What a false façade. Get real people there will be no changes in staff by either of the boys. Metsger is already lining up a job in his home state and McWatters doesn't know if he is coming or going. He boasts he has been on the board two years and all he continues to do is talk, talk, talk. And Metsger, now he claims he wants to do things when for years he sat their and acted as Matzs' lap dog. They are both a joke. And now another FOM rule because they couldn't get the first one right. Brains and balance. They have neither.
CUNA's daily attendance report indicates Nussle is awol with a bad case of gas.
Nussle is not there. Was told Ito, Berger, Bratsakis and Gentile are present. Two trades, two leagues and no Nussle.
The real lapdogs are our no account peers who sit passively (while junketing around the country) on the boards of CUNA and NAFCU... where are these cooperative leaders? Did it to us on the corporates and now doing it with the NCUA.
Not fair NAFCU is present and accounted for!
Jim, many folks still seem to miss the point.
McWatters is "our only hope"?
What about YOU being YOUR only hope?
You're relying on a politically appointed board member?
Good luck.
Here is what mcwatters had done since he got to the credit union industry...nothing.
He has certainly proven to be very smart and articulate. But he hasn't followed thru on the most important proclamations he has made.
Said he'd get to the bottom of the legacy asset crap pile.
He hasn't.
Said he'd improve transparency..where?
Is it THAT hard to simply be "clear" with NUMBERS?
Jim is right.
There needs to be fundamental change...but more appropriate fundamental shift.
We need to choose a new regulator.
Then, we'd at least have no more fom, Mbl, capital obstacles.
And, we'd escape medallion loan assessments.
Crooked Hillary's avatar Lying Larry is now embarrassing himself before the NCUA Board again by showing his incompetence in the field of capital. World class idiocy
Mr. RBC!
Don't get too excited. The Burgermeister will blah. blah. blah. He may be there but like Nussle he will not. Watch for Danny Boy to lavish praise on the two M boys and tell them how wonderful they both are for holding a hearing. They will smile at him and say how open and honest they are. And when the hearing is done, the M boys will disappear, Berger will put out a release of his appearance and everyone will go back to business as usual.
Get real people. NCUA is here to stay. Lying Larry is as they say "tenured". He is there as long as he wants to be just like Fenner and Skiles were and Walters and Treichel are. They are all lifers and beyond. NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE. The swamp needs to be drained!
Keep watching and you will hear for the one thousandth time McWatters tell us about how smart he is.
Ito, Berger,Bratsakis and Gentile. Wow! Make sure you tune in because you would not want to miss the Thursday edition of Saturday Night Live.
You're giving credit to Metsger for holding a hearing and you think McWaters holds staff accountable? Where do you live and better yet what prescription are you on? It's all show people. When the meeting is over, staff controls.
Just need Nussle there with a bag on his head !
Tune in now if you want to watch Lying Larry drown by showing he is in way over his head on capital, taxation, securities law, and state law.
Yes Matz sure as heck didn't get the ball rolling. And McWatters has been relentless with the staff on making changes.
Don't get it, Fazio's weasling presentation would never have gotten to the table without McWatters pushing.
Not sure McW can keep NCUA staff incompetence from burying it or rbc'ing it.
So big deal, McWaters got it to the table. I think Hyland did too. She also did some kind of study as well. So she's a step ahead of little M.
At least some of our trade and league leaders showed up to lobby for us. CUNA staff said Nussle is on vacation. Again.
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