Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Cruise Line....

My personal favorite for best ever pick-up line was from a pleasant lady who slid in next to me at the deck rail of a departing cruise ship and asked:  

"Where ya' going?"

Wasn't real sure how to answer that question, since most folks on a cruise ship are usually headed in the same general direction.... 

....but did introduce her to my wife who, having overheard the question, was eager to give her "directions"....

 ... and did!

[In the interest of full and fair disclosure the lady was a bit north of 85,
... but she was real cute!]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come on, give the lady a break. She saw your normal " I don't know where I've been and I don't know where I am going" look on your face hence the question she asked.