Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What's The Definition Of "To Nuzzle"?

"To push or rub with the nose"
... h-m-m-m.

TO NUZZLE - verb | nuz-zle | \'ne-zel\ | - to push or rub with the nose | synonyms: to snuggle and snoozle | antonyms: bold and independent | rhymes with: fizzle | Ex: "Rather than lead and oppose the poor Board decision, he chose to nussle."

Source:  Merriam-Webster

Guess some folks could interpret that as a...

[Just sayin'... not trying to be nosey!]


Anonymous said...

Kinda reminds me of a group of dogs getting together and nuzzling each others rear ends.

Did you really think Mr. High Paid CEO would actually stand up and say something contrary to what his board wants?

Kudos to the Michigan League for standing up for their credit unions.

And how about the jellyfish from the Southeastern League. Claims he is for choice but voted to keep things the same because other league presidents talked him into it. You can't have it both ways Nussle Jr.

Jason M. Dias said...

to nuzzle!!!! this week has been vindication week 2.0!

Jim Blaine said...

Well, have "chastised" the CUNA Board, "encouraged" the CUNA CEO... guess that leaves the leagues for tomorrow - stay tuned!

Guess we're all riding this ship down together! That's the cooperative spirit....

Anonymous said...

oh for goodness sakes, just join NAFCU and be done.