Thursday, September 03, 2015

Choosing A Trade Association....




If not, why don't you...

CUT... your losses?


* Credit Union Trailblazers


Anonymous said...

Its going to be hot hot hot here today. Going to get a lot hotter on Sept 17th over in Madison when the CUNA board votes on their Navel Task Force recommendations and forces our Leagues to do things none of us really want. I hope my League tells CUNA to take a long walk on a short pier. CUT! CUT! CUT!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Prime those chains saws and let em rip. CUT!

Greg said...

CUNA realizes if the choice is between the state league and CUNA, they will lose, thus there will be no choice in the matter. Status Quo. If CU's start bailing for NAFCU that may tip the scales, but that doesn't appear to be happening.

Keep on pushing!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous #1: is CUNA going to make a huge, earth-shattering announcement on some real improvements on the 17th? Or are they just going to vote for the name-change, dues separation between leagues (which, quite frankly I still don't understand), and dues earmarked for advocacy (which is quite frankly stupid. More of my dues dollars should already be going to advocacy instead of their bloated bureaucracy). CUNA is acting much like the NCUA, no transparency, no disclosure of what is going on or what is planned. If we don't see a major shift (and the above is NOT a shift nor an improvement, it's a gutless, do-nothing attempt to sugar-coat their problems), we will be not renewing in 2016.

Anonymous said...

Greg, I spoke to someone at NAFCU about membership on Monday and she said they had 44 new members this year and that ten new state chartered credit unions have joined just in the past couple weeks. Hardly a huge number but a trend that must hurt CUNA financially, especially if they are large credit unions. If CUNA does something on the 17th that is not in our state league's best interest, you will see many of us not renew and join NAFCU. -John

Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah. Wanna bet when it comes down to doing something all these talkative stand up guys take the easy way out and..................write the check!

Anonymous said...

To those state chartered CUs that say they have or will leave CUNA and join NAFCU, I would pose this question; why would you become a second class member of an organization? You have no right to vote for board members, serve on the board and no help in protecting and improving your state charter.
Georgia Birddog

Anonymous said...

We quit the state credit union league, CUNA and NAFCU several years ago. We still send credit union staff, management and directors to various credit union conferences - none associated with the state league, CUNA or NAFCU. Conference reviews are strong for content, speakers and location. The credit union is able to network with other credit unions independent of our non-affiliation status. Yes we have reduced our operating expenses because we don't pay dues. But what has the dues done for you lately? Regulatory Relief? Really? Secondary Capital? Where? Raising the MBL cap? When? The ROI in dues to the trade associations is PRECIOUS LITTLE. But please do keep paying. Your excessive operating expenses are making my peer ratios look good. And for that I thank you.

Anonymous said...

georgia birddog- i bet nafcu will soon permit both board serving and voting. they're clearly better managed, better focused, more effective, especially with regulatory lobbying and their compliance assistance. cuna offers nothing, absolutely nothing. most of our leagues are decent, especially with state lobbying. as another blog-poster said yesterday, merge cuna into nafcu and keep our leagues. cut!