Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Ecumenical Week: Evangelical Episcopalians...

Church going is still very "serious business" in the South. Well, mostly. 

Let me tell you about the Episcopalians. I'm one.  

I don't think you should use that fact to condemn the whole cult.... 

After all, Episcopalians are a diverse lot.  In fact the greatest strength of the Episcopal Church is that each adherent can pretty much "believe" in the fashion which suits them best. Knowing how to chant and when to stand or kneel are about the only absolute requirements.  

You can always spot Baptists in an Episcopal church, they are invariably a bit late on the stands and completely out of sync on the kneels.  Kind of like watching people learning the electric slide for the first time, not exactly smooth... ain't got no rhythm! 

Many Episcopalians secretly think Baptists are "all wet"! Baptists think Episcopalians consider The Ten Commandments to just be "The Ten Suggestions"! 
Patrick Henry

Suspicion between Baptists and Episcopalians goes way back.  As the official church of the British crown, a royal tax to increase the salary of Episcopal priests was one of the first things that made revolutionary Virginians, particularly Patrick Henry, mad...

  Didn't know that, did you? Well listen, it's the gospel.... 


Anonymous said...

How big are the Episcopalian churches cousin?

Jim Blaine said...

Episcopalians operate "a big tent".

Anonymous said...

Nothing better than getting Jim's two cents on any issue!

Anonymous said...


Jim Blaine said...

Bashing really is no fun at all - promise. An intelligent, adult discussion would be preferable; but that can be tough when dealing with the "terrible twos".

Anonymous said...

You are not bashing! You are just trying to get their attention!

Jim Blaine said...

Can you see any improvement?