Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Looking Into The Future...

NATURE is one of the best known scientific journals in the world.  Been around since 1869 - a pretty good track record, must be doing something right!  The journal is published weekly and is the most frequently cited cross-disciplinary publication in the scientific realm. If you want to take a look, they can be found at the "power-position URL", www.nature.com!

Browsing the website last week, came across the following story headline:

The Myopia Boom
Short-sightedness is reaching epidemic proportions.

Some scientists think they have found a reason why.

'Course couldn't agree with that headline more, as an observation of the current state of our world! But, being somewhat personally myopic, immediately assumed it was about regulatory reform - particularly at our independent agency - since that's all we seem to talk about of late. Became quite hopeful - a scientific breakthrough!! - a move beyond blah, blah, blah! 

Unfortunately the article was...

... not about foresight!


Anonymous said...

What make tings worse at the rogue independent agency is their inability to even have 20/20 hindsight.

They cannot see the forest from the trees.

They cannot find their derriere with both hands.

They cannot walk and chew gum at the same time.

They prefer to follow rather than lead.

They put the cart before the horse.

They cannot say if the chicken or egg came first.

Jim Blaine said...

Make "tings"?

Guess been accused of worse....

Anonymous said...

So now you are becoming critical of your commenters. Perhaps the Vice Chairman is right. Who listens to a man who lives in the woods and goes by the name Sweet Baby?

Jim Blaine said...

Sorry, was impolite, but sometimes tings just happen...

And, would never try to argue with the Vice Chair's logic!

Anonymous said...

If metzger really said that about Jim Blaine, then here is something for him to chew on...
...YOU apparently listen or you wouldn't know of the man and his writings.
What's more, a year or so into your time at NCUA, here is a pearl for you mr vice chair...a WHOLE lot more follow Blaine than follow you.

Jim Blaine said...

Now, now personally thought it was a great line...!

Sharpest remark to date! May have potential as a stand up comic...