Monday, January 04, 2016

The Bar - S Ranch and Phyllis Bradley....

Heard from a very special person over the holidays. Miz B has just moved to Florida with her husband for "some sun and fun".  Thought she deserved to be "re-M-Bar S'ed" one more time for deserting her home State... 

Here's the reprise from 2012 ....

Thought I might relate to you a legendary member relationship which exists within the CU for which I work. Hope you aren't embarrassed by a little nudity...

The story starts with a super branch manager, Phyllis Bradley, who has recently retired as our leader in the community of Reidsville, NC. Phyllis is special as a leader, because she has always been afflicted with the problem that she truly cared about her members - and they knew it!!
People Helping People!
Really can cause a problem for a credit union when members find out you care.  It leads to all kinds of wild expectations from the membership.  

I mean, if they think you really care;  they expect you "to find a way", "to make it work", "to understand their problem", "to protect their dignity", "to share their pain", "to believe in their dreams", "to give them hope" when the chips are down.  To "stand in there" with them, when all others have fallen back on "rules and excuses" of why the member is no longer a valued fellow traveler in this fantastical human odyssey - called life!

For Phyllis  - you as a member always counted;
A leader, at heart, ....
you were always "in the boat".  W
e, as a cooperative, were all in it together. And, the members knew her heart...... knew it was right.  A leader is after all , at heart, a person who cares about others.... and who has the courage and character to be true to that caring purpose! Phyllis never wavered from that path, never wavered from that purpose.

But what does this have to do with nudity?  Well, one of Phyllis' longest term and most loyal members was a most famous lady who ran a business called the "Bar - S Ranch" outside of Reidsville.  

If you aren't a Southerner, all I can suggest is that you try to say it real, real s-l-o-o-o-w-l-y and perhaps you'll understand "the business plan" of the "Bar-S Ranch".
Please, I've heard enough...

And then, perhaps maybe later, we can talk about the "site inspections", "seasonal" cash flows, and the gift certificate programs that were "peculiar" to the "Bar-S".

Chance to strut your stuff...

.... and, of course, if you've become somewhat intrigued at this point and if you would like to come down for a visit, they'd be more than  delighted to see you... (yep, "all of you"!!!)

Phyllis can still make it happen for you... nothing to be "M Bar - S 'ed" about.... there is even a "dress down Friday" discount.... and a "come as you are " party at Halloween....

(Bet you think I make this stuff up, don't you...)


Anonymous said...

I'm in!

Jim Blaine said...

Had several "unusual" questions about how payment transactions are handled at the Bar S. All I can say is I don't know, particularly given the absence of pockets...

Tony Costanzo said...

Can I swipe my debit card? No silly, not there!