Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Think most folks get a kick out of "oxymorons"; those often hilarious words or phrases which generally are contradictory - or somehow just don't seem to make much sense. 

(Ease up, relax ! This one is not about NCUA;  although it... ...well, never mind.)

The word itself is fun since it is composed of two different parts:  "oxy-" meaning "sharp, acute" and "moron" meaning "dull". Oxymoron "a sharp/dull" idea or thought!!

You are probably familiar with the standards:  Holy war, cruel kindness, jumbo shrimp, honest lawyer, pretty ugly, educational TV and, of course, the ever favorite happily married!

But all that aside, wanted to point out an oxymoron I encountered last time I went to D.C. ....

Living in North Carolina means D.C. is close enough to drive . But, ending up in a good-sized city like D.C. with a car always presents one major challenge - PARKING !!! Fortunately many places offer "Complimentary Valet Parking" which really sounds wonderful except.... here's how it really works.

I pulled up to the curb and handed the valet my car keys. Three hours later when I returned, I requested my car and the valet stuck out his hand.  I pointed to the "Complimentary Valet Parking" sign and protested.  He nodded and said the sign was correct, but continued to stare at me with his hand out.
Out foxed!
"a foxy-moron"

My additional protest led to this very clear explanation: "Sir, as the sign says I have parked your car for free, but if you would perhaps like me to tell you where it is will cost you $12."

Y'know I always hate playing "moron" to an "oxy".... but you can bet I did pay that .... "complimentary fee"!

Didn't believe he deserved a "high-five" as a tip, but I did flip him a one.....                                       


Anonymous said...

Another dirt cheap credit union CEO.

Jim Blaine said...

Guilty as charged...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rapid City, N.D.

Anonymous said...

Diet Twinkies