Wednesday, March 30, 2016

NCUA Board: National Leadership Search...

.... reckless selection


Hope you've been thinking about the critical importance of the upcoming two vacancies on the NCUA Board.  

In the past, appointments to these seats were not principally awarded based upon ability, knowledge, nor competence. Historically, the NCUA Board seats were considered "political plum" positions to be awarded to the party faithful, quite often as a "plush capstone perk" for a not-necessarily-qualified nor gifted, career federal employee.  

Nothing can "shape up" a federal pension quite like a six-year appointment to a $150,000 position - assuming you can put up with the frequent resort travel and the Kafkaesque disdain for transparency and accountability!

But with 100 million Americans now being member-owners of credit unions, with over $1 TRILLION of hard-earned savings at stake...

... and with every "OMG" misstep being 
"backed by the full faith and credit of 
you and me!!.....

Isn't it past time for two experienced, moderate national leaders on the NCUA Board?...

... I mean of course unless you'd prefer one of them as President.


Anonymous said...

why settle for only 2? why can't we expect to have 3 on the board that are not the village idiots we have experienced over the last several years.

Greg said...

I sent a letter to the Obama Administration nominating the one and only Jim Blaine for a seat on the NCUA Board.

Jim, it's time to take one for the team!

Jim Blaine said...


Well, thanks for the thought, but why didn't you put me forward for the Supreme Court? Odds of appointment would have been much better!

Greg said...

Yeah, I figured either way you're not going to like the pay cut!

Jim Blaine said...

You must be thinking about Donald Trump, who may be taking a pay cut and moving to a smaller house after November.