Even The Small-Town Obits Can Be Intriguing...
Wilma Voliva Black
b. 12/11/1921 d. 12/22/2015
Knightdale (excerpted from the N&O) - Wilma Voliva Black struggled into life 94 years ago. Alone, her mother Eva realized that her sixth child wasn't crying and unwrapped the umbilical cord from her only daughter's neck on December 11, 1921.
Wilma was bored by living on an Indiana farm with no cash during the depression, but she liked school. Her nomination to the National Honor Society at Bloomington H.S. was a source of great pride all her life.
Her co-star in a church play, Charles Black pressed Wilma into an elopement in May 1939. Wilma later learned that their marriage had been a cover for his sexual affair with their minister's wife. Alcoholism and adultery continued throughout their marriage and ended in Wilma's filing for divorce in 1969. Wilma is survived by her five children.
As a military wife Wilma enjoyed moving frequently and lived in many states and several different countries. Wilma sewed most of her children's clothes and loved books and magazines. She frequently could be found curled up reading.
In 1999 her son Dave moved her to N.C. and requested she sign a durable power of attorney. Wilma lived independently until 2012 and then her son moved her into an assisted living facility. There he attributed her inability to take care of herself to her lack of effort rather than to the level of assistance and care she received. Family concern that she was being neglected was brushed off. The facility was convenient to his work and home. She told him: "This is not living, it's existing!"
On Thanksgiving Day, Wilma was taken by ambulance to the emergency room with a temperature of 104. Her diagnoses were UTI, sepsis and light aspirate pneumonia. Her anemia complicated her recovery and a medical error deprived her of her regular medications resulting in her agitation and fear.
Wilma celebrated her 94th birthday with three of her children in the hospital. After her visiting children returned home her son removed medical treatment. He later commented on the strength of her struggle for life. She died alone on December 22 and was buried after Dave and his mistress returned from their December 25 vacation trip to Oregon.
Wilma always said her life seemed like a soap opera.
Well, don't know about you, but as they say,...