Saturday, February 14, 2015

Seeing Things Differently...

Eye see!
People who have all the right answers in life, who lack the gene for uncertainty really worry me particularly when they are employed in an official capacity. 

Experience has shown most of us that - like it or not -"there is usually more than one way to skin a cat".  Differences in opinion should be respected, even when the reason one would attempt to skin a cat is not entirely clear ??!

A bit strange at times...
Decidedly differing views are a fact of life; something which should be expected and accepted. Admittedly that can be difficult at times, as some folks' thinking can be a little strange. That's why we have prisons, mental hospitals, and economic conferences.

Here's the best example I've ever seen to illustrate how truly different some folks see the world:

I have sexdaily.

I have dyslexia.


Anonymous said...

Now after all these years, after reading thousands of your thoughts on subjects ranging from regulation to regurgitation we know why you always have that quirky smile on your face.

Jim Blaine said...

A "robust' observation...