Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Government Of The Possum, By The Possum, And For...


Before we leave that possum behind:

Sure you've been reading a lot of criticism about last year's "do nothing" Congress in Washington.  Gridlock, stalemate, everything's a fight!

Thought you'd like to see how an engaged, activist government - The North Carolina Legislature - can work together, when push comes to shove, to fashion legislation to solve the most critical social issues in our State.

You'll recall that "The Possum Drop" dispute went to court in 2012 over whether or not the N.C. Wildlife Commission (another committee I'd like to work for if the sweet potato appointment (see post of 12/11/2013) doesn't come through. Kinda picture a potential position as "Wildlife Specialist" - great business card to hand out!) - (sorry about that digression) - could legally license the Brasstown event.

When this important issue was brought to the attention of our elected elite in Raleigh, the State Senate took the matter into hand with the following bill….

The "Short Title" says it all…
Only in North Carolina !!!

We git her done !!!


Anonymous said...

With the advent of the New Year, how many times do you think we'll see the ball drop at NCUA?

Anonymous said...

Thought they dropped the ball at Time Square!? Wasn't aware that NCUA had any...