Friday, March 04, 2011

From the Field...

"We tried scenario role-playing for a robbery at the staff meeting. The meeting opened with a normally very quiet, reserved employee exclaiming:  " This is a robbery!"  She told the staff she was mental and pre-menopausal, as she held a fan to her face and waved a plastic gun. She made several demands which I can not repeat...."


Ken Schroeder, CBCP, VP-Business Continuity, Southeast Corporate said...

And the results were?????

I use a lot of role-playing as I build business continuity exercise for both ourselves (Southeast Corporate), and for individual credit unions who ask me to help facilitate exercises. Its really a lot better than just sitting around a table saying "Here's what I'd do in that situation...."

Jim Blaine said...

The "results" were that it was negotiated and agreed that the air-conditioning system would be run even during the wintertime .... at which point "the hostages" were released.